How to make automatic deployment for .NET web application
Here I am going to define the way to give automatic deployment for any .NET application. The .NET application should use the source control (EX: SVN, VSS, TFS etc). In my given example I am defining about SVN as source control if you require any other details. Please feel free to drop me a message. The below mentioned details will handle for code automatic deployment, I am working on database auto deployment, will be posting this as soon as possible……………………….
What this post will tell you.
- Taking latest code from SVN source control dynamically.
- Keeping the entire file into one directory. (User will define through config file)
- Building the .NET application using MSBUild.exe
- If error/success then send the email.
- If error then stop the process.
- If success then enjoy (If any issue feel free to buzz me...)
- Bit more steps :
- Run NANT tasks- Stop IIS
- Copy the reuired file for deployment from previous define folder to deployment folder (Step2 folder to deployment folder)
- Change the webconfig file connection string or other as per your requirement can define into nant config file.
- Start the IIS
- .NET web application
- SVN as source control
Require software:
- CCNET – Download from:
- CollabNET – Download from:
- NANT – Download from:
Steps to follow:
- Download the CCNET from above mentioned location.
- Go to path: http://localhost/ccnet it will open the locally installed ccnet application. Which will look like:
- Go to path of CCNET: your drive path (ex: D:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server)
- Open the file named as “ccnet.config” and configure the config file as below mentioned steps: Copy the below mentioned project in config file between the
<cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder">
Copy the below mentioned project tab here and follow the steps which are written as comment inside the file.
<project name="Your Project Name" queue="Q1" queuePriority="1">
<labeller type="defaultlabeller">
<prefix>Your Project Name</prefix>
<!-- in below path the CCNET will keep the log files.-->
<!-- If you want to schedule the deployment rather then force build -->
<scheduleTrigger time="12:15" buildCondition="ForceBuild" name="Scheduled">
<!-- If you want to send the email on build failure or success build -->
<statistics />
<xmllogger />
<email mailport="25" includeDetails="TRUE" mailhostUsername="mail host user name" mailhostPassword="mail host user password" useSSL="FALSE">
<mailhost>mail host address/mailhost>
<user name="JoeDeveloper" group="developers" address="" />
<group name="developers">
<!-- Configure the SVN details for the force build force build -->
<sourcecontrol type="svn">
<!-- Define the path of collabnet sv.exe file for takeing latest from SVN -->
<executable>D:\Program Files\CollabNet\Subversion Server\svn.exe</executable>
<!-- Define the SVN URL -->
<trunkUrl>Give SVN URL</trunkUrl>
<!-- Create the working directory and gibve path, where it will take the code form SVN and keep it. -->
<!-- Create defferent task which need to perform after taking the latest from SVN -->
<!-- Changed from MSbuild task to devenv task since vsts test cases did not run properly. -->
<!-- Path of MSBuild.exe to build the project-->
<!-- Path of that project which you want to build -->
<!-- Name of the solution project file which need to be build -->
<!-- Will be default after installing ccnet -->
<logger>d:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server\ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.MsBuild.dll</logger>
Configure the file as per the requirement and follow the below mentioned steps:
- Run the CCNET.exe file
- Then open the URL: http://localhost/ccnet
- You will see the name of project which you defined will be listed there.
- There will be one button called force build – click that button
- Once build completed the ccnet site will show you the build is success or not. And will show the exception and warnings.
- As defined in config file – you can go to path – c:\Artifacts to view the details error log.
Now once it succeed and if you want to maintain the deployment folder then please paste the below mentioned tag inside the <task></task> tag of above mentioned config file.
<!—Download NANT from above mentioned URL and copied in your system then define the location of NANT.exe below -->
<executable>D:\Program Files\nant-0.85\bin\NAnt.exe</executable>
<!—Define the working directory path where you took latest from svn and built-->
<!—copy the below mentioned file into base directory of your project -->
<!-- set the target in file and give the name here -->
</nant> file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="your project name" default="install">
<target name
<target name="extractWebSite">
<property name="InstallFolder" value="Path of deployment folder"/>
<property name="Name" value="Varun"/>
<!-- Stop the IIS -->
<exec verbose="true" program="iisreset">
<arg line="/stop"/>
<!-- Delete the file from deployment folder -->
<delete >
<fileset basedir="${InstallFolder}">
<exclude name="Module_Bain/GenerateReport/*.*"/>
<exclude name="Module_Bain/RegisterReport/*.*"/>
<include name="**/*.*"/>
<!-- Copy the files from build folder to deplyment folder -->
<copy todir="${InstallFolder}">
<include name="FolderName/*.aspx" />
<!-- Show message -->
<echo message="Extracting web site done"/>
<!-- rewrite the some netry in web.config file -->
xpath="/configuration/appSettings/add[@key = 'LogoImageFolderPath']/@value"
value="${Name}" />
<echo message="Updating web.config... done"/>
<!-- Start the IIS -->
<exec verbose="true" program="iisreset">
<arg line="/start"/>
It will create the deployment folder. Using this NANT script we can also make sure the web.config entries which are required to be same of web.config. for ex: connection string or any folder path.
Please update your comments and feel free to contact for any clarifications.